IPD Data Jan 2024 – Dec 2024
S. No | Month | No Of Patients |
1 | January | 255 |
2 | February | 264 |
3 | March | 247 |
4 | April | 294 |
5 | May | 402 |
6 | June | 372 |
7 | July | 333 |
8 | August | 355 |
9 | September | 366 |
10 | October | 325 |
11 | November | 350 |
12 | December | 345 |
Total | 3908 |
Hospital Reports

Success Stories

73 years old female came with the complaints of depigmented large patches on nape of neck, chest, abdomen, on upper eyelid since many years.It was increasing since past 1 year.
Patient is k/c/o Hypothyroidism and has been under medication since 20yrs on thyroxin 100mcg. She already took homoeopathic treatment in the city for 2 years with no improvement.
Still patient did not loose hope in homoeopathy, came to JIMS for treatment. By analyzing her case history capturing her physical details as well as her state of mind which had lot of grief in the background – Ignatia 1M one dose with sac lac given for 15 days. With the very first dose patient started noticing improvement in the patches.
Within 6 months of treatment 90% of all her patches covered up. The patient is still on medication and gradually her thyronorm dose got decreased form 100 to 25 mcg.
Patient feedback
Patient Perception Survey
Salient Features:
- 86% of respondent feel JIMS Hospital has made a difference to the local community in 2015-16 as compared to 92% in 2013-14.
- Patients who responded to survey came from 212 different locations. They came not only from nearby villages but also from urban areas and neighboring states as well.
- 96% patients have reported having positively benefited by the treatment at JIMS Hospital as compared to 91.97% in 2013-14.
- 95 % patients feel services offered at JIMS are “Good”.
- More than 98% of respondents find that Doctors are good, staff is courteous and ambience and hygiene is well maintained.
- 50 patients, admitted in the hospital were surveyed. 96.94% of respondents find the overall IPD experience at JIMS to be “GOOD” in 2015-16 as compared to 93.75 % in 2013-14.
- When asked if cost of treatment at JIMS was cheaper than other hospital above 99% find the charges offered at JIMS cheaper as compared to other hospitals in 2015-16 as compared to 96.65% in 2013-14.
- 97% patients reported that laboratory, radiology and sonography services were “good” in 2015-16 as compared to 85% in 2013-14.
- Close to 46 patients surveyed had reported to JIMS during emergency situation. 92% Patients reported that they were offered prompt treatment at JIMS during an emergency in 2015-16 as compared to 73% in 2013-14.
- No respondents reported delay in treatment during an emergency in 2015-16 as compared to 9% in 2013-14.
- Only 2% patients were refused treatment when reported during emergency in 2015-16 as compared to 18.18% in 2013-14.
- The waiting time to meet the doctors were reduced in 2015-16 to 23.9% patients waiting more than 90 minutes on an average to see their doctors as compared to 55.84% patients in 2013-2014.